is taking away the payout option has been treating me extremely well. I have a soft spot for the platform for that very reason. But today, sadly, they've sent me an email saying that they will be disabling the payout functionality for me within a week. accounts for half of my entire income, so it's a huge blow to me. I'm very anxious about what the future holds and I can't help but cry nonstop. Subscribestar is now my sole source of income, so please please consider supporting me there if aren't already. I would really really appreciate that and I would love you forever. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ;; ♥

People who have already bought the game here will not be affected in any way.

Get Nemurimouto v0.06


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Deleted 81 days ago

if u've bought the game before it should still be available for u without any issues


Itch should just get their head out of their behind. If subscribestar and patreon and steam and fanbox and all the others can do it, why can't they. Just shows how unprofessional they really are.

I assume they did not disable payout as such, but forced you to switch to direct payout and for some reason you can't do that. Paypal requires pre approval to have an account receive payments for adult content. And that is not possible in all countries and they probably refuse aproval to small businesses for tax reasons or similar.

Why itch pulls this dick move, they do not explicitly say. But indirectly it has to do with money, money and more money. Not that they are greedy or such thing. They still allow the pages to be up and be hosted and even allow links to steam. (How stupid is that. Instead of cashing in on selling stuff, they drive publishers and gamers to other platforms. Sigh.) But apparantly there are costs considerations in certain circumstances. They should fire the guy doing their calculations and adopt a new adult platform concept. Adult games are good money and itch is making itself obsolete by driving business away. 


Holy cow, you are fast.

Disclaimer. I did not play your game - yet. But I did discover the nsfw option in browse (just adding /nsfw/ to the url) and skimmed over the first 10 pages. That browse is sorted by popularity. If it is in any way acurate, your game is in the top 2%. And this is why I think it is especially counter productive of itch. They should seek better solutions to whatever problem they face.


it was top 1 most selling game for a couple of days, that's also precisely when they informed me of the decision. it's frustrating but it is what it is ;v;


They are driving fast in direction of a wall, if they continue like this. I hope they recover; I like itch more than patreon or steam. One can also sort browse by top sellers. The non adult games are a minority in the top pages. They also de-index adult devs on a whim or do not index them for a month. But simultanious have fake accounts indexed within hours of account creation and let them be for months, even though they are reported for their fake profile and stolen games/malware.

My theory is, that they do not let humans handle this, but have a badly programmed algorithm. If a certain amount of reports come in, a game gets quarantined, deindexed, switched to direct payout or even banned, depending on key words. You have a whopping 3k followers. They banned Mofu for a week, and he has 14k followers. This is of course speculation, but when you were on top, you also got more attention and not all attention is good. There are insane bigots with nothing better to do than reporting all those evil pixel smut. I read posts in open community of such virtue signallers.

They should have a look how professionals do this. This is turning into a sinking ship by the day.

(Oh, and it seems they fell again for the harrasser that bullies mofu, as I just noticed. He is deindexed and the files are suspended. I am quite pissed off by their handling the adult gaming situation.)

Deleted 232 days ago

i'm definitely never making over a million -v-

but who knows, maybe that's their logic?

Deleted 232 days ago

Unity can not charge the platform. It is on the dev. They do face problems on platforms that give away paid games with a subscription, like those game passes or whatever they are called and speculated about making the plaform owners pay.

But this current issue highlights the fact, that Unity games have telemetry for quite some time that phones home. And not home to the dev, but home to Unity. You can read about that, I believe Kerbal Space is one of the more popular games affected by this.

But very popular/successful pay what you want games might be affected. You need to use the small version of Unity that goes up to 200k per year. That is 20 cent per install after that. So if you manage to make 200k in a year, but have 1.2 mil installs, you owe Unity those 200k you made. And I have seen patreons that make more than 20k a month, so there are devs that might be affected very heavyily by this Unity issue.


That's sad to hear. At least I already paid for this.


That's more than sad to ear, I'm pretty fond of your game, even if there is some addition I wish to see there¹ (mind you, it is still a pleasure to (ab)use that noisy brat even without these and the game is perfectly delicious as is).

Did itch provide any reason to remove the on the game? (I could see two looking adt the game content ; and I wonder if only your game is being impacted, or if it's a more general tendency on itch)
And by extension could any change to the game (that may be restored with a patreon version or patch) would make it itch-friendly again?

I hope you'll be able to solve that income problem in a satisfying manner!

1. stuff I wish would be in the game:
- Not being able to do the deed on the first night (feels weird than Mayu don't wake up and than the bro is willing to do that ASAP. A big of a grinding would be up to my taste)

- one that note, explanation on what she's an heavy sleeper and don't wake up easily would help set that mood too
- she is not a virgin? oh... Could we bring the topic with her?
- different arousal state in the scenes, and way to make Mayu more sweaty/wet, or even give her orgasms. A bit of required foreplay (at least at first) could be a nice touch IMO
- audio and voice! I wish to ear Mayu's cute moans
- not being able to clean up, and dress up mayu after the deed...
- ... would be even greater if it give her a range of reactions!
- mechanically: not having the "skip" button (when Mayu move) at the same place of the "skip" button (when she is static/you pick what to do) would prevent on accidentally skipping part of the day when she's finished moving
- replacing "please enter your name" by "please enter her brother's (your) name" in the introduction would make it more clear on who's being named! (and the gender of said character)
- and the ultimate pipe dream: why these game are never girl or futa on girl!

I do not expect any of these to land into the game (especially if they increase it scope or are not of your vision of the game), but I hope some of these may give a tiny bit of inspiration!

itch has a tendency to do this with a lot of hentai devs here, sadly. it's pretty much a russian roulette, u never know who's gonna get hit next and there's no explanation whatsoever. some devs have tried to negotiate, but the response is always that the decision is final and there's nothing u can do about it

some of these suggestions are not possible, sadly... i really wanted to make an option to play as onee-san as well, but it would make things so much more difficult for me. i plan on adding some cgs as well, and i would have to make two different versions of each and every cg. it also makes translation so much trickier

but also...

a lot of ur suggestions are 100% planned or are already in v0.04! u aren't supposed to be able to rail her all the way from the get go, i just don't don't have enough content in the game yet to make a smooth progression. she'll definitely wake up if ur being too rough, and she will get mad at u. and u abuse her a bit too much, she might do a little bit of stabby stabby, so please don't get carried away :3

she already can climax in the newest h-scene, though it's pretty simplistic and not as detailed as u described. i'll definitely go back to older h-scenes and upgrade them with new functionality too

there is already a little bit of voice acting in v0.04! she's voiced by wonderful Hazuki Mana. Hazuki-san went beyond all of my expectations and i can't be happier with my choice of a va for mayu ♥

lastly, i can't believe it's never mentioned that she's a giant sleepy head, it kind of just eluded me. makes so little sense that it was never brought up, now that i think about it ' v '

thank u so much for ur encouraging words ♥


Oh my, from your reply I see the future of the game will be bright! Voice? Need to be a bit more slow in the screens?! Mayu climaes?!! And old sceen updated?!?! °q°
I can't wait for future updates! And thanks for your detailed reply, and the link to the voice actress!
Now I'm curious if Mayu will sounds less bratty than I assumed, and if not how Hazuki will sound when bringing her life... I guess the answer is in your subscribestar...

(and thanks you for wanting to do onee-san too! I expected the "too much work", but it please me know the option was considered!)

I wish itch would not be an hindrance to said future... I feel weird if they did not point out the reason... Oh well, I'm wishing you all I can so the game succeed!

On the sleepy head part, that may have been on me, but I really don't remember seeing it anywhere in the game, I'm hopping I'm not providing false information and that I was not the sleepyhead during the intro! And if it's not on me, I'm looking forward to see it mentioned!



I don't understand why their disabling your payments. you got a big tiddy anime girl in lewd scenarios, so what, I can list hundreds of if not thousands of other games with big tiddy anime girls that still make money. 

Well, I'll be following on steam when it comes out there as well, I'm sorry to hear they targetted you. I feel like itch is either the best place or the worst place for us creators of the lewd, and it changes based on the mood the admin is in


yeah, it's very disheartening to say the least ;;

thank u so much ♥


no problem. out of all the H games on itch, yours looks really cute and soft. So I figured it was one of the safer games, makes all us creators probably a lot more scared if your game gets hit. But I wish you the best of luck either way and will keep following XD


; - ; ♡


to be honest with you when the game come to steam (even in early acess or other) i will buy the game :)

but yeah even for early access you have a lot to do. also on steam you can make a supporter dlc and thing like that.

big big support (more emotional support than money support (╥﹏╥) )

thank u so much! i'm in big emotional distress so all the emotional support is much appreciated ♥

i don't really wanna do steam early access, cause the game is planned to be pretty sure and be finished in one, maybe two sittings, in like 2-5 hours. but if things go really south, i might have to do that

but as long as i have enough funds coming through substar, i can just keep working on the game until completion :3

(1 edit) (+1)

yeqh i understand that,it was just a little idea  but yeah i understand that you don't really want, its just that i  can't subscirbe ta patreon and things like that so steam is my only way to support dev. until that *big hug* hope you don't stress too much and all