Nemurimouto v0.02!

Hi! I've just finished working on v0.02! Public releases will always be one version behind, so you can get it on my "patreon" if you'd like~
ꔫ I've implemented a daily routine system. Mayu will now roam around the apartment. There are only a few options for now though.
ꔫ You can chat with her, there are currently three dialogue variants that will be chosen at random.
ꔫ You may also notice a couple of stats at the top left, but those don't anything just yet! When she sits on the armchair, you'll have an option to touch her, triggering the second H-scene. At night, she'll always go to bed. That's where you can trigger the first H-Scene.
ꔫ A lot of players reportedly were getting one-shotted by BGM. I've nerfed it a bit, hope it's a little more bearable now!
ꔫ I have also done a bunch of UI improvements, added some sounds, fixed some bugs, added more bugs!
The roadmap currently looks something like this (I'll be working on these over the next few patches, prioritizing different things and different times):
— More H-scenes! These will always be a number one priority, and they're also what takes the longest. I wanna include a new H-scene with each patch.
— General improvements! I tend to jump around the project a lot and improve things incrementally. There are so many small things I want to improve! Visual feedback, responsiveness, etc. I want the game to have a certain level of quality.
— Daily routine system improvements! It do be looking a little barren for now... Let's fix that! Especially in term of how the house looks right now, need more decorations, or at least walls and doors...
— Stats! I'd like them to actually do something. They'll grow or diminish depending on your actions.
— Game progression! The entire point of stats is that they would unlock more dialogue, H-scenes, and other fun stuff~
— Shop! I'm still not 100% sure how to approach this. I have some ideas, we'll have to try them and see how it feels
— Save/Load system! Gotta save your progress after all!
— JP translation!
That's the plan, at least. Gonna move one step at at a time φ(゜▽゜*)♪
Get Nemurimouto v0.06
Nemurimouto v0.06
Your sister moves in with you for university summer break. Maybe you could have some fun with her!
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I’ll give you a $25 Walmart gifcard if you make this playable in the browser for iOS or make it downloadable for iOS or make it a profile configuration download I swear on everything I love I will give it to you if you do this. Please PACHIPOI.
iOS is definitely not gonna happen, sorry ;;
u need a mac to build iOS apps which i don't have
im a miner
very cool thank u for ur service
honestly this'll keep up at night.
sir, what implored you to urgently share with all of us that you mine? what do you mine? coal, diamonds, bitcoin? did u mean to say "minor"? (you shall perish if you are a minor, just so you know)
sir, i really need answers
Dunno, maybe when the game hits v.10 and has even more degeneracy (corruption stats) I might implore you.
I do like buttocks as much as my mining duties
from what I saw in the image, the game is touch it? if so can you consider an android version?
yup, it is! it's is frequently requested and I do plan on making an android version. but for the time being I wanna focus on core gameplay, so it'll take a little while until I get around to it >﹏<